Thursday, January 31, 2013

Five important people!

I don't have many friends that are willing to hear about my life as a diabetic but the online Diabetes family will not only will the hear what I have to say they will try to help.

Most of my non-diabetic friends are really willing to hear about it but they will if I tell them, but I also don't talk much about it to them cause they don't really get what it's like and everything.

Even though most of my online Diabetes family is made of D-parents most of them help alot! And some of the diabetic I look up to or turn to for advice!

Four people that I go to most of the time are teens. Holly is one of them that I have really got to know over the past couple mouths and she a wonderfully advice giving about anything. MiKayla has been my friend for a while and she awesome! She has been though a lot and let still has time to give advice, I don't know how she does it all! Taylor has been my friend for two years now, and I meet her a year ago last May. She was really one of my first diabetics that I got to know before I got to know many in the ODF (Online Diabetes Family). She too is one that will give me advice if I can fix something.

Last but not least is Stephanie, I got to know her over a year ago. We texted each other every day. We started a thing were when we got checked we would text the other one what we were and for the longest time we would be close but not quite there. She too is one that will give advice when I need it!!

Oh and I almost forgot about Evelyn, I adopted her as my big sister! Even though she was diagnosis just last year, I look up too her in so many way that I don't think she even knows. I can go to get with anything weather it be diabetes stuff or boy problems, she's always happy to hear about it! She has handled her dx'ed awesome, and that's one reason I look up to her!! She also writes a blog too! Y'all should check it out!!

All five of those girls are not only my friend's but they are all my adopted sister's!! I have 4 big sister's and one little sister!! And I also call them my D-sister's (diabetes sister's) Cause we all have one thing in common we all have diabetes and we are all strong!!

Love you girls!! I'm happy to have to girls as my sister!!

Till next time


  1. <3 ya, sister!! :D Diabetes is a part of our life that we'll never get away from. We will always have hard times, and we will always be there for each other!

  2. Thanks, Jaimie! I appreciate you including me in there.
    These past two years have been hard, but we've made it, and we'll make it through many more! :)
