Friday, November 9, 2012

What is normal?

I though about something that was said at YC a couple weeks ago, on the last day the speaker was talking about people asking him if he ever wanted to be normal. Normal? he said What even is normal? If normal if like you, than I dont want to be normal.

I got to thinking about what my normal is. I have always wanted to be normal, but what really is normal. I have to say if normal is like Obama, than I dont want to be normal. Maybe my normal is bring a diabetic since thats all I know. I dont know what it's like to eat something without being aware of the carbs in what I'm eating, or with out thinking do I need to get checked. I dont like this normal, the normal that I want is were I dont have to think about carbs or checking my sugar or reamber to take insulin. And when I leave the house I dont want to always have to be checking to make sure I have my checker or juice or the kit for in case I pass out from bring too low.

I cant help but wonder if for some reason, God made me like this for a reason. Maybe God made me a diabetic cause he know I could handle it. There is a pic I seen on facebook that say "Stronger than Diabetes" I seen that, and though yes I am. I asked a friend to make me a pic that said "Stronger than my fear of needles" Both are very true!!

I maybe a diabetic but I stronger than diabetes and i'm stronger than my fear of needles.

I asked someone once why they stuck around after they found out I was a diabetic, their answer was "Cause its not who you are, its a part of you." Which is true, diabetes does not define me it makes me a stronger person than I was before I became a diabetic.

I dont know that I would be the person I am today if I had not become a diabetic. As much as I wish I was "normal" I also know that maybe I am meant to do something with my diabetes or diabetic's. Over the past 3 years I have been some really awesome diabetic teens and adults, but I have also meet some really cool and awesome even great non-diabetic's. When I put both sides of friends together, I have some pretty awesome friends. That I hope will stick around always.

So i'm asking you what do you think normal is?

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