Wednesday, February 20, 2013

My 2nd mom!

Today's post  is about my 2nd mom!

She may not be my birth mom but she is really awesome!(I am not adopted but I adopted her as my 2nd mom)  Her name is Kim!
Kim is awesome in more than one way!

For one she know's how to give awesome advice about anything! And she is a great encourage too! More than once I have facebooked her for many thing's, most of the time it's to pray for someone or it's just to say Hi and talk to her!

A while ago I wrote a post about normal. When I asked Kim what normal is she told me a setting on the dryer! Which is very true! No one is ever normal cause we are normal in our own way!

I also adopted Kim as my 2nd mom cause she is a awesome Christian Lady! She is always willing to pray for anyone when I if she will pray for them! Sometimes I even get verse from her! But sometimes I'm the one telling her about verse's I have read or one's that I have wrote down!

She is also very sweet! She a awesome Godly mom/wife! She is just one of the many people that I look up too when it come's to Christian woman!

I meet Kim for the first time when I was still in pubic school! My dad and I were there for school pic's! And we ran into them! I also got to meet her ever so sweet husband! That same year her family moved to IN! Well my family's first Sunday at our new Church was her family's last Sunday there! But we keep in touch a camp meetings sometimes! But this past summer I really got to know her and her family! Which are all very sweet too! And no I am not sugar costing that just cause I'm her son's girlfriend! Kim is also the mom of my boyfriend! But I have meant everything that I have said!

She is awesome and sweet!! I love her and I love that I adopted her as my 2nd mom!!


Saturday, February 9, 2013


There are two kind's of people that I can think about right now, that know what I mean. The first kind is D-parents (Diabetes mom's and dad's). The 2nd kind is diabetic's (people that have diabetes).

Now we may not act like it but we are afraid all the time. I never know this when I was younger but I do now. There is always fear in us. For D-parents with little kids, they fear that their little one or little one's will go low and not be able to feel it. Or go high and not be able to feel it. D-parents also fear that their kids may not wake up in the night after going low.

My fear has always been here. But a couple nights ago, it got to me to were I could not sleep till wee hours of the night. I had the fear of going to bed and not waking up.

I don't have that fear very much but for some reason a couple nights ago I did. And I have to say I don't like it. I was up till after 3am that night cause I had fear. I don't get it, most night's I am fine with going to bed but once in a while I'm not. Which is why I was up till the wee hours of the night!

Since than I have got over the fear for now that is! I don't know how long I will not have fear but right now I dont.

All diabetic's have fear some don't show it! I don't show it around other people. It's just not the kind of person I am! I try to replace my fear with bring strong and having faith. Most night's I trust God to keep me awake!

So now that you all know that I have a fear of not wake up at night! Know that I don't say much about it at all!

Oh and D-parents, you guys are awesome!!

And you all with diabetes your awesome and strong too!!!

Till next time